Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Job Fair (Tempe and Downtown)

People are always asking me if I have a job and when I say no, they usually look at me and ask in a sarcastic voice, "Have you even tried looking?" Even before this Job Fair Activity, I had looked for jobs on the internet via job sites and through friends that work at various places. But, I had no luck finding a job on my own. Then, I heard about this Job Fair, and one afternoon I got on the light rail and headed to the Tempe Campus (I had went to a mini-job fair at the Downtown Campus but didn't find much).

I must say there were quite a few booths/tables from various companies at both the Job Fairs. There were booths from various clothing stores, resturants, gas stations, and even some organizations that are on campus. I found the campus tour leadership position interesting, so I took a flyer from that table and a couple of other tables that I found interesting.

I went home with every intention of filling them out and returning them to the companies and the school, but I got so busy with studying for school and trying to make sure I have a good GPA to keep my scholarship that time came and went and I wasn't able to fill the papers out.

I felt like an idiot because I was so busy reading and studying that I forgot to fill out the papers! I know I should get a job and be trying harder than I am (even though I think I've tried hard enough and am tired of putting so much effort into it that when I don't get the job or a call back that I fell really depressed/disappointed/angry). I'd like to tell everyone who always tells me to get a job, that there pressure is driving me insane! I'd like to see them go to school, mantain a 3.2 GPA (by studying, reading, doing homework) and still have time to eat, sleep, socialize, do chores, and workout. It's alot harder than it looks, especially when you have to maintain a scholarship, I guess if you had a grant or if your parents were rich and paid for your college it would be easier to say screw school work and that all you'll do is hang with friends and get a job.

Anywho...back to the topic...I totally messed up the oppurtunities that the job fair presented to me. Hopefully I'll be able to take advantage of the job fairs next semester...Hopefully :)

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